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New image… Fern Evans Photography

Fine Art Photography

Our Holiday… Knysna/Swellendam/Sedgefield/Jeffreys Bay

Here are some images taken on our Holiday to Knysna, Swellendam, Sedgefield, Jeffreys Bay

We Stayed at the lovely Pine Lake Marina on the first night… Here is an image at sunrise.

sunrise pine lake marina small

The kids had a great time at the Fairy Sanctuary in Swellendam…

You can tell by the smiles on the kids faces that they were having an amazing time…














Knysna Peace of Eden… The most magical place in the world! I love Knysna.

The kids fed the horses and were fascinated by the baboons running across the garden.

The best part of it all… space! Beautiful green grass and forests, forests, forests.






Knysna Elephant Park

An amazing experience! If you ever go to Knysna you have to visit the Knysna Elephant Park.

However, be careful an listen to the guides…

One Ellie sat down and while we were having photos taken and feeding him, he rolled over… missed me by an inch lol… of course when I didn’t have anymore food he pushed me over with his trunk. A gentle nudge… ha















Zipline Adventures

This Zip Line or Foefie-slide based in Tsitisikamma, near Storms River village. Amazing!!!












Cango Ostrich Farm














And finally, my favourite image of the entire holiday… Buffels Bay

buffels bay small

The Search

books small

Coming to Life… Fern Evans

little red riding hood small

Little Red riding hood… Story book coming to life…

Misty Forest – Fern Evans Photography

The mist was so thick on Saturday morning that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, so naturally I jumped in the car with my Hubby and son in the freezing cold and rushed off to the Helderberg Nature reserve to snap some shots before the mist all disappeared. By the time we got there I had to be very quick as the mist was lifting and I would never have been able to capture the image I had in my head.

Here are some images taken on the way to and from the forest location.

But First take a look at my final image…

misty forest small


location 2 small

location 3 small

location small

Here is my Final image… I think it turned out well… exactly how it was in my head.

misty forest small

My Favourite Images from 2012 – Fern Evans Photography

2012 was a great year for me! I learnt a whole bunch of new tricks and got to work with some amazing people!

Here are a few of my favourite images from 2012… 🙂

2013 is already off to a god start with some exciting new projects in the pipeline! I can’t wait to share them with you.


original post

group at bar small

Yes! Lifestyle Magazine

Yes! Lifestyle Spring Issue

Yes! Lifestyle Spring Issue

Fern Evans Photography - The Dragon Room

Mi Casa Music

Mi Casa Music

Mi Casa Music


Lisa Marie 1 small Fashion and beauty Black and White Portraits Cape Town Wedding Photographer Cape Town Wedding Photographer


Keedo kids clothing

Finally a bean bag for the aching back… pity the camera is so heavy

Keedo Kids CLothing

…but that soon changed once she saw how much fun it was

Wedding Constantia

Wedding Constantia

Weekend Away – Betty’s Bay – Fern Evans Photography

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready to get back to work! I know I am…

This year we managed to get away a little, something we are almost never able to do… in fact, in the last 7 years we have not been able to get time off to go anywhere during the holidays.

So for us this short weekend away was great for all of us! Especially the kiddies.

Betty’s Bay is such a wonderful little town, and all there is to do really is relax!

Here are a few pictures of some of the little cute details of the place where we stayed, and of course I have to throw in a few of the kids 🙂














Assisting work… with Bruce Boyd

I had the best time ever this week at Roodebloem Studios assisting an awesome Photographer Bruce Boyd on a Keedo Kids Clothing Catalogue shoot.

Here are a few images of behind the scenes which I managed to take in between changing lights, holding shy hands, making coffee and importing images.

I learnt a load of cool stuff from Bruce. He is so patient and I hope I was more help than not over the two day shoot.

The kiddies were so cute! Some were so comfortable in front of the camera and others were shy, but they were so sweet and every single one of them did a great job.

Today I woke up with bumps and bruises and aching all over, but I had so much fun it really doesn’t matter that I feel like i”ve been running a marathon.

Keedo Kids clothing

View of the Studio we were in and the lighting set up

Keedo Kids clothing

Bruce checking out the height of the lights. Little people, short lights 🙂

Keedo Kids clothing

Some of the stars of the day patiently waiting their turn

Keedo Kids clothing

Super cute Model

Keedo Kids clothing

Accessories table

Keedo Kids clothing

All the beautiful clothes

Keedo Kids clothing

The start of Day1 – Bruce Boyd

Keedo Kids clothing

It’s more fun to run away…

Keedo Kids clothing

See… 🙂

Keedo Kids clothing

This little Miss was not sure…

Keedo Kids CLothing

…but that soon changed once she saw how much fun it was

Keedo Kids clothing

anything to get the kids to smile and look at the camera

Keedo kids clothing

Bruce at work

Keedo kids clothing

Finally a bean bag for the aching back… pity the camera is so heavy

Keedo kids clothing

The Ladies at Keedo giving a demonstration

Keedo Kids clothing

kiddies turn to give it a go

Keedo Kids clothing

Super Star!

Keedo Kids clothing