Great image to end off the year… Can’t wait to get cracking on all the new stuff in my head.

Mary Alter Ego

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New image… Fern Evans Photography

Fine Art Photography

Tree of Knowledge – Fern Evans Photography

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The Search

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Misty Forest – Fern Evans Photography

The mist was so thick on Saturday morning that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, so naturally I jumped in the car with my Hubby and son in the freezing cold and rushed off to the Helderberg Nature reserve to snap some shots before the mist all disappeared. By the time we got there I had to be very quick as the mist was lifting and I would never have been able to capture the image I had in my head.

Here are some images taken on the way to and from the forest location.

But First take a look at my final image…

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Here is my Final image… I think it turned out well… exactly how it was in my head.

misty forest small

Insanity Shoot – Russell Fox (Magician Insane) – by Fern Evans

So here are the two images from my latest photo shoot with the awesome Russell Fox – Magician Insane.

Photography by Fern Evans

Post by Fern Evans

Assistant Allie Booysen from Studio 7

Location Vovotelo V&A Waterfront


We had so much fun on this shoot making tables levitate.. Russell wore a cool straight jacket, which I must say he did not look comfy in at all…


Check out his website here

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